
Get Aeraki up and running in less than 5 minutes!

Follow these instructions to install, run, and test Aeraki:

  1. Download Aeraki from the github.

    git clone https://github.com/aeraki-mesh/aeraki.git
  2. Install Istio, Aeraki and demo applications.

    make demo

    Note: Aeraki requires to enable Istio DNS proxying. Please turn on DNS proxying if you are installing Aeraki with an existing Istio deployment, or you can use make demo command to install Aeraki and Istio from scratch, make demo will take care of the Istio configuration.

  3. Open the following URLs in your browser to play with Aeraki and view service metrics

    • Kaili http://{istio-ingressgateway_external_ip}:20001
    • Grafana http://{istio-ingressgateway_external_ip}:3000
    • Prometheus http://{istio-ingressgateway_external_ip}:9090

What’s next?

Learn about more ways to configure and use Aeraki from the following pages:

Last modified September 19, 2022: release 1.2.0 (433e12f)